We provide state-of-the-art skin cancer diagnosis and treatment techniques at our numerous locations across Newnan, Senoia, Sharpsburg, Peachtree City, and Carrollton, Georgia.

1 in 5 people are diagnosed with skin cancer.

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer, more common than all other cancers combined. More than one million people are diagnosed with skin cancer each year. Anyone can get skin cancer, though the risk is greater if your parent, sibling or child has had a melanoma.

A change in a mole can indicate a serious problem. Your dermatologist should be seen if you notice that a mole becomes larger, changes color, is asymmetric, or develops an irregular border. Other warning signs include itching, crusting, pain, and bleeding.

Melanomas of the Skin

Skin cancer incidence rates increased in recent years.

Fortunately, most cases are preventable.When detected and treated early, most types of skin cancer have very high cure rates. Extensive and potentially disfiguring surgery can often be prevented by prompt biopsy and surgical removal of moles that are changing.

Learn more about Mohs Surgery, the gold standard in skin cancer treatment!

There are two kinds of skin tumors – benign (non-cancerous) and malignant (cancerous).

Cancerous skin tumors fall into one of three types:

  • picture of basal cell carcinoma specialists specialists Carrollton Newnan Peachtree City Georgia


    Basal Cell Carcinoma is the most common type of skin cancer. It is rarely life-threatening and typically does not spread, but it can be disfiguring if not treated early. It often develops in individuals with repeated sun exposure and those who have had basal cell cancer are at a 60% chance of developing another one within five years.

  • picture of squamous cell carcinoma specialists specialists Carrollton Newnan Peachtree City Georgia


    Squamous Cell Carcinoma is also a common skin cancer, mostly affecting people with fair complexions. It can develop from Actinic Keratosis, a scaly, crusty growth on sun-exposed skin. It may appear as a red bump, or as an ulcer or sore that does not heal, and can vary widely in size.

  • picture of Melanoma specialists Carrollton Newnan Peachtree City Georgia


    Malignant Melanoma, while the least common, is the most serious type of skin cancer. It often resembles a dark brown or black mole with uneven borders and varying colors, and tends to appear on the upper back of both men and women, or the lower legs of women. It can develop from an existing mole that has changed over many years. Early treatment is crucial for a favorable outcome.

Detection and treatment options

Early detection of skin cancer is vital and can lead to a high cure rate. Regular skin examinations by a dermatologist are important for monitoring changes in the skin. We also offer Mole Mapping for patients with many or diverse moles to monitor changes over time.

Skin cancer treatments depend on the cancer's location, size, depth, and the patient's overall health. Options include scraping and burning, freezing, laser treatments, radiation, routine excision, and Mohs surgery, which is noted for its effectiveness in completely removing cancer cells to prevent recurrence. Our team is available to help you choose the most suitable treatment based on your specific condition.

Protecting yourself from the sun, monitoring for suspicious growths, and regular dermatological check-ups can help reduce your skin cancer risk.

Don’t wait! book your skin cancer screening today!